When talking with people about payments by phone with the Compass Payments Suite is, “What does the call flow look like?” So it makes sense to illustrate how a complete IVR payment call flow works.
The process falls into four primary stages:
- Identify Caller: this is where we confirm the customer and retrieve the account balance.
- Payment Method: in this stage, we either accept the customer’s payment method or retrieve their stored payment information.
- Payment: the amount is applied using your gateway or merchant account, and we update your customer records.
- Confirmation: finally, the customer receives a confirmation of the transaction.
The video below illustrates a full IVR payments call flow. In many cases, it’s possible to reduce or even eliminate some of the steps. For example, if you’re transferring a caller with their account information, we don’t need to validate who they are. Or if your customer has previously permitted you to text them, we won’t need to ask if they want a confirmation and receipt by text message.
Our Compass Payments Suite is purpose-built for integration into electronic billing and payment platforms. It helps mitigate PCI compliance risk by offloading phone payments from your staff to an automated system. Best of all, it accepts payments 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long. This way, you can reduce costs, and make sure your people can spend quality time on real customer issues.