As COVID-19 forces significant segments of the workforce to work from home, or significantly alter their schedules, proactive messaging has never been more critical. Text messaging has proven to be the most reliable way to push essential notifications to employees, vendors, and contractors. Here’s an example of how one of our customers is reducing HR costs while managing time-critical communications via text messaging.
Text Messaging For HR Services
A leading provider of comprehensive HR services came to us with an increasingly costly issue, FMLA compliance. FMLA is the Family Medical Leave Act, and qualifying the employees of their customers, who were requesting leave, had become too costly for live agents to manage. They looked to us to create an automated solution.
Rapid Response With A Text Survey
We developed an interactive IVR survey that first confirmed an employee, then asked the appropriate compliance and policy questions related to their leave request. Based on the requirements of FMLA, and any additional policies of their employer, the system would provide a ClaimID number, if qualified, to give to their employer. The completed FMLA survey solution implemented across their entire customer base.
Results: Expand Automation Services
The result exceeded their expectations for reducing live agent costs while providing a high level of service and rapid response capabilities to the employees of their customers.
As we continue, we’re working with the customers to add merchant services and payments by phone through the Compass Payments Suite. Also, automated outbound voice messaging using the Compass Broadcast Suite is part of the future state of services.
Another example of dramatically increasing service while reducing costs. The IVR survey gave the employees of their customers a private and pain-free way to apply for leave while eliminating this task from live agents while improving response times.