A text message notification system is critical as the new year is officially underway. Some children, not old enough to attend school, go to day-care centers or preschools. Yet, as the weather gets colder, these environments put them at higher risk for influenza. Failure to take proper measures to protect against influenza could leads to potentially serious medical complications, such as hospitalization and even death. Read on…
Everyday actions can help prevent the spread of influenza. This includes regularly washing hands with soap and water, and covering the nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. The Center for Disease Control emphasizes that children under the age of 5 are at high risk for developing influenza. They go on to state that the most important step in protecting anyone against the flu is to get a flu vaccine each season. Therefore, children over 6 months should be vaccinated to avoid influenza. This is especially true for people with asthma, heart disease, and diabetes.
There are several options to get an annual flu vaccine. A vaccination shot used to be only available at a doctor’s office. Now flu vaccination shots are available at many pharmacies, grocery stores, or health clinics. This is likely to help prevent influenza from having a worse effect than it potentially could.
Another way to raise awareness can be text messages. Last year, researchers at Columbia University Medical Center studied their impact. In this study, parents were reminded to get their children immunized from the flu. Traditionally, written reminders got 57% of parents to come in. Over 70% of parents that received a text message came in sooner. Parents praised the text messages for communicating the message quickly and efficiently.
IVR Technology Group can raise awareness and send reminders for influenza vaccinations with Compass Broadcast. It creates and sends emails, voice messages and text messages to a list of customers. At IVR Technology Group, we make mass communication easy, efficient, and effective.
Some customers have a preference when it comes to communication. Our call blast solution can send multiple out text blasts, e-mail messages & voice broadcast options. This helps ensure your message is able to reach your customers quickly and easily.
The CDC has is asking for a week national observance, December 6 – 12. This was established to highlight the importance of regular influenza vaccinations. By having a proper means of getting this message out, you can help keep people aware and informed.